Mission Statement & Vision

The Mission

We are working to build a plastic-free shopping network as well as our own collection of products currated for empowering individuals and businesses to ditch plastics and culturally adopt and embrace sustainable living. We're working to curate a growing network of vetted plastic-free suppliers and products, making earth-conscious choices easy and accessible for all. Join us as we champion a zero-waste future, advocate for circular economy policies, and pave the way for a flourishing planet where everyone thrives.

Our Vision

At The Future Awareness, our vision is to enable the unaware to live, teach, prosper, and thrive in an established circular economy where only biologically-friendly products are offered while using the precautionary principle to safely advance the frontiers of science, technology, and to secure habitat-sustainability and bio-diversity in a legislative sense for the ecosystem(s) so all individuals and communities have access to truly sustainable products.